Participant must score a 90 percent or higher on the Level Two Quiz to be eligible for selection to the HQC Nationals.Participant must score an 80 percent or higher on the Level One Quiz to take the Level Two Quiz.Must be a USHJA member in good standing above the Outreach level.Open to USHJA members who are younger than 21 on December 1 of the current competition year.

The HQC Nationals is an in-person competition that includes a written test and a hands-on practicum to put the top-scoring participants to the ultimate test. Participants take two levels of online horsemanship quizzes, which consist of multiple choice and true/false questions, to be eligible for selection to the HQC Nationals.

The HQC encourages education and recognizes young equestrians who have exceptional horsemanship knowledge. Put your horsemanship knowledge to the test for a chance to win great prizes in the USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge. Naomi Blumenthal Memorial Training Grant.$25,000 Hamel Family Scholarship for Further Education.Medals, Memories and Milestone Scavenger Hunt.Equitation: A Foundation for Life Exhibit.A Sporting Tradition: Iconic Horse Shows Across the United States.Medals, Memories & Milestones: Great Moments in American Show Jumping Exhibit.1.0/1.05m Child/Adult Zone Jumper Championships.World Championship Hunter Rider Program.Wheeler Hunter Breeding National Championship USHJA International Hunter Derby Championship.USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Championships.Competition Management Resources/Specifications.Arthur “Bucky” Reynolds, II Award of Merit Licensed Official Emeritus Honorary Designation.President's Distinguished Service Awards.Understanding USHJA Leadership Structure.Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy Resources.